Speaker | Dialogue |
[Open Int. Poultry Palace] | |
Cashier | *puts a title card down* Small fry, and here's your toy. |
Bonnie | A Zurg belt buckle? Can I get a Buzz Lightyear instead? |
Cashier | We're out of Buzzes. |
Mrs. Anderson | Well, can she have that one? |
Cashier | I’m sorry, those are for display only. |
Mrs. Anderson | Thanks anyways. Come on, Bonnie. |
(Mrs. Anderson and Bonnie go to a place where they can dine at a table.) | |
Fun Meal Buzz | See, I told you we're never gonna get played with. |
Fun Meal Zurg | But we're just here to sell chicken. |
Bonnie | *off screen* All right! Ball pit! |
Fun Meal Buzz | Hey, hey, wait a minute. |
(He glances at Bonnie splashing around in the ball pit.) | |
Bonnie | Splash! |
Fun Meal Buzz | I think I just found our ticket to playtime. Come on, let's go! |
Fun Meal Zurg | Oh, I better not. I don't wanna get in trouble with the chicken people. |
Fun Meal Buzz | Fine, you stay here with the belt buckle. *takes his wrists off his feet* Me, I'm gonna get played with! *opens a door* See ya, Zurgy! |
(Fun Meal Buzz leaps out and Fun Meal Zurg and Zurg Belt Buckle is left alone.) | |
Fun Meal Zurg | Oh, boy. |
(Zurg Belt Buckle beeps.) | |
Bonnie | Oh, no! Hot lava! |
(Bonnie closes his helmet, tossing Buzz, then they slide down.) | |
Bonnie | Splash! |
Mrs. Anderson | Bonnie! |
Bonnie | Coming! |
Rex | I love playtime! |
Buzz | It's a little unsanitary but, ho! |
(Buzz vanishes, then Fun Meal Buzz appears.) | |
Fun Meal Buzz | Playtime's the best! |
Mrs. Anderson | *o.s.* Bonnie, don't forget your toys. |
(Mrs. Anderson takes Rex and Fun Meal Buzz, then they go home.) | |
[Trans. Int. Bonnie's room] | |
Bonnie | Hi, toys! Bye, toys! |
(Bonnie puts her backpack in and leaves. Rex occurs out of her backpack.) | |
Rex | Hi, everybody! We're home! |
Woody | Hey, welcome back! How was Poultry Pal- Ooh, what smells like chicken fingers? |
(Fun Meal Buzz leaps out of his backpack, walking on Rex.) | |
Fun Meal Buzz | I'm Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace. |
Jessie | Uh, what happened to Buzz? |
Rex | He says the plastic in the ball pit made him shrink. |
Fun Meal Buzz | Yeah, yeah, that's right, Tex. Say, when's the playtime start around here? |
Woody | All right, where's the real Buzz? |
[Trans. Int. Poultry Palace] | |
(Buzz gets out of the ball pit, looking at a door, attempting to open it.) | |
Buzz | Blast! |
(Buzz then looks at a vent, going inside, climbing up, walking to a vent, falling in circle of Fun Meal toys.) | |
[Trans. Int. The Circle of Fun Meal Toys] | |
Neptuna | Well hello! Welcome to the support group for discarded Fun Meal toys. We're just about to begin. Uh, T-Bone? Would you find him a seat? |
T-Bone | Right this way, sir. |
(T-Bone piles some tartar sauce like a chair) | |
Buzz | *sits down* Uh, I think there's been a mistake. You see, I was just left in a ball pit, and I... |
Neptuna | Oh, we've all been left in the ball pit of life, haven't we? Yes, Tae-Kwon Doe? You have a question? |
Tae-Kwon Doe | What? Oh, I'm sorry this is just my play feature. *chops her wood* Hi-yah! |
Neptuna | That's super. Now, why don't we just go around the room and introduce ourselves. My name is Neptuna. |
All | Hi, Neptuna. |
Neptuna | I was from the Mermaid Battle Squad tie-in. Summer '98. I was thrown away, and that's okay. |
T-Bone | I'm T-Bone, leader of the Steak Force. We battled the Vegi-Tanarians for dinner table dominance. I, uh... Well, I... I never got played with. |
Koala Kopter | G'day. The name's Koala Copter from the Down-Underables. I got swapped for a Kangaroo Kanoe! |
Recycle Ben | My name is Recycle Ben, and I got recycled! |
Franklin | I don't... I don't get it. Why don't the kids like me? I'm like history, but on petting zoo ! |
Vlad | Nobody wanted to board the Vampire Express. *a small howling werewolf arises from his train's smokestack* |
Roxy Boxy | My name is Roxy Boxy, I was recalled because... *punches Lizard Wizard* Oh, sorry! |
Nervous Sys-Tim | I mean, who wants to see an accurate deception when they're chowing down on a burger! |
Pizza Bot | Kid not like Pizza Bot. Pizza Bot sad. |
Buzz | My name is Buzz. |
All | Hi, Buzz. |
Buzz | And I need to go. |
T-Bone | *to Buzz* Wait, wait, don't run away with your problems, brother. |
Buzz | Look I need to get back to my friends. |
Neptuna | We're your friends now, Buzz, look around you. We've all been discarded and we need to stick together. Isn't that right, Super Pirate? |
Super Pirate | Yar! |
[Trans. Int. Bonnie's room] | |
(Fun Meal Buzz skates around while singing the "Playtime Song".) | |
Fun Meal Buzz | The playtime's coming super soon Doo-dah doo-dah |
Rex | Guys, I'm telling you. This is the real Buzz! |
Fun Meal Buzz | Oh playtime day |
Woody | Rex, he's like three inches tall. |
Hamm | Yeah, but he's a pretty good ice dancer. |
Fun Meal Buzz | *spins around* |
Woody | Well, I'm gonna go find out what happened to our friend. *to Fun Meal Buzz* Yoo-hoo! Little Buzz guy! |
Fun Meal Buzz | Oh playtime day |
Woody | Listen, about this playtime... |
Fun Meal Buzz | Playtime? Hey, I'll be the cowboy! *grabs Woody's hat* |
Woody | Hey, come back here! |
Fun Meal Buzz | *to Hamm* Get along, little piggy! *slaps Hamm* Yee-haw! |
Hamm | Could, uh, somebody tackle him please? |
Fun Meal Buzz | Playtime is your friend |
(Woody attacks Fun Meal Buzz.) | |
Hamm | Thank you. |
[Trans. Int. The Circle of Fun Meal Toys] | |
All | Even though I have been thrown away, I am not garbage. |
(The Fun Meal toys applaud.) | |
Buzz | How am I gonna get up there? |
Neptuna | All right everyone, this is a good time for some re-enactment therapy. Let's break into groups of two. And let's have Beef Stewardess... |
(Beef Stewardess moos, inflates his vest) | |
Neptuna | ...with Ghost Burger... |
(Ghost Burger boos) | |
Neptuna | ...Bozu the Ninja Clown with Funky Monk.... |
Funky Monk | Wassup? |
Neptuna | ...and then Condorman... |
Condorman | All right. |
Neptuna | ...with DJ Blu-Jay. |
(DJ Blu-Jay spins a record on the turntable) | |
Neptuna | Lizard Wizard? I'm gonna put with Buzz. Now Buzz, you are a child who has received this toy. Pick him up and play with him. |
Buzz | *takes Lizard Wizard* Oh boy. Play play play. |
Neptuna | Now to simulate the abandonment, discard him. |
(Buzz drops Lizard Wizard) | |
Lizard Wizard | What? |
Neptuna | And walk over there next to Gary Grappling Hook. |
Buzz | Gary Grappling Hook? |
Gary | Hey there. |
Buzz | So, wouldn't it be more devastating if I left the room? |
Neptuna | Oh, what a fabulous idea! Thank you, Buzz. |
Buzz | *to Gary* Gary, do you mind? |
Gary | Yeah sure, whatever. (Buzz grabs Gary Grappling Hook) Whoa! Oh yeah! (Buzz grapples Gary to a vent) Whee! That was awesome. |
(Buzz flies up the vent, going back to Bonnie's room) | |
Neptuna | Now, how did that make you feel? |
Lizard Wizard | Well, let's see now. It made me happy... |
Neptuna | Uh-huh. |
Lizard Wizard | ...when I was played with, but sad... |
Neptuna | Good. |
Lizard Wizard | ...when he left. |
Neptuna | Okay good, hold that thought. We're gonna have Buzz come back in. Buzz!? |
(They both look up, noticing that Buzz isn't there) | |
Gary | Ah, he left. |
Lizard Wizard | *crying* No!! |
[Trans. Int. Bonnie's room] | |
Woody | Okay, to save Buzz, we need to find a way to get inside Poultry Palace. |
Fun Meal Buzz | So uh, I used to work at Poultry Palace. You like honey mustard sauce? Yeah you do. |
Jessie | *sighs* |
Woody | Come on, guys, think. How do we get inside? |
Hamm | We could jimmy the lock. |
Mr. Pricklepants | Let's act our way in! |
Mrs. Potato Head | Oh, we could drive a truck through the front door! |
(The real Buzz approaches) | |
Buzz | Or we could use the drive-through. |
All | Buzz! |
Jessie | You're back! |
Buzz | *to Mini Buzz, tied up in a glue bottle* So what do you have to say for yourself, Space Ranger? |
Fun Meal Buzz | *gulps* |
[Trans. Int. The Circle of Fun Meal Toys] | |
Fun Meal Buzz | I've done some things that I'm not proud of. I've spent a lot of playtime thinking I was the prize that came with the meal, but with the help of my sponsor, I know now that the real prize is inside each and every one of us. |
(The toys applaud again) | |
Roxy Boxy | *punches Lizard Wizard again* Oh sorry. |
(DJ Blu-Jay spins a record on the turntable again.) | |
[Trans. Int. Poultry Palace to the post-credits scene] | |
(Fun Meal Zurg and Belt Buckle are on the display case, beeping) | |
Fun Meal Zurg | *laughing* Oh that was a good one. Belt Buckle, you crack me up sometimes. |
(The Belt Buckle continues beeping.) | |
[END] |
Small Fry/Transcript