New Toy Story Wiki
Speaker Dialogue
[Open Int. Poultry Palace]
Cashier *puts a title card down* Small fry, and here's your toy.
Bonnie A Zurg belt buckle? Can I get a Buzz Lightyear instead?
Cashier We're out of Buzzes.
Mrs. Anderson Well, can she have that one?
Cashier I’m sorry, those are for display only.
Mrs. Anderson Thanks anyways. Come on, Bonnie.
(Mrs. Anderson and Bonnie go to a place where they can dine at a table.)
Fun Meal Buzz See, I told you we're never gonna get played with.
Fun Meal Zurg But we're just here to sell chicken.
Bonnie *off screen* All right! Ball pit!
Fun Meal Buzz Hey, hey, wait a minute.
(He glances at Bonnie splashing around in the ball pit.)
Bonnie Splash!
Fun Meal Buzz I think I just found our ticket to playtime. Come on, let's go!
Fun Meal Zurg Oh, I better not. I don't wanna get in trouble with the chicken people.
Fun Meal Buzz Fine, you stay here with the belt buckle. *takes his wrists off his feet* Me, I'm gonna get played with! *opens a door* See ya, Zurgy!
(Fun Meal Buzz leaps out and Fun Meal Zurg and Zurg Belt Buckle is left alone.)
Fun Meal Zurg Oh, boy.
(Zurg Belt Buckle beeps.)
Bonnie Oh, no! Hot lava!
(Bonnie closes his helmet, tossing Buzz, then they slide down.)
Bonnie Splash!
Mrs. Anderson Bonnie!
Bonnie Coming!
Rex I love playtime!
Buzz It's a little unsanitary but, ho!
(Buzz vanishes, then Fun Meal Buzz appears.)
Fun Meal Buzz Playtime's the best!
Mrs. Anderson *o.s.* Bonnie, don't forget your toys.
(Mrs. Anderson takes Rex and Fun Meal Buzz, then they go home.)
[Trans. Int. Bonnie's room]
Bonnie Hi, toys! Bye, toys!
(Bonnie puts her backpack in and leaves. Rex occurs out of her backpack.)
Rex Hi, everybody! We're home!
Woody Hey, welcome back! How was Poultry Pal- Ooh, what smells like chicken fingers?
(Fun Meal Buzz leaps out of his backpack, walking on Rex.)
Fun Meal Buzz I'm Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.
Jessie Uh, what happened to Buzz?
Rex He says the plastic in the ball pit made him shrink.
Fun Meal Buzz Yeah, yeah, that's right, Tex. Say, when's the playtime start around here?
Woody All right, where's the real Buzz?
[Trans. Int. Poultry Palace]
(Buzz gets out of the ball pit, looking at a door, attempting to open it.)
Buzz Blast!
(Buzz then looks at a vent, going inside, climbing up, walking to a vent, falling in circle of Fun Meal toys.)
[Trans. Int. The Circle of Fun Meal Toys]
Neptuna Well hello! Welcome to the support group for discarded Fun Meal toys. We're just about to begin. Uh, T-Bone? Would you find him a seat?
T-Bone Right this way, sir.
(T-Bone piles some tartar sauce like a chair)
Buzz *sits down* Uh, I think there's been a mistake. You see, I was just left in a ball pit, and I...
Neptuna Oh, we've all been left in the ball pit of life, haven't we? Yes, Tae-Kwon Doe? You have a question?
Tae-Kwon Doe What? Oh, I'm sorry this is just my play feature. *chops her wood* Hi-yah!
Neptuna That's super. Now, why don't we just go around the room and introduce ourselves. My name is Neptuna.
All Hi, Neptuna.
Neptuna I was from the Mermaid Battle Squad tie-in. Summer '98. I was thrown away, and that's okay.
T-Bone I'm T-Bone, leader of the Steak Force. We battled the Vegi-Tanarians for dinner table dominance. I, uh... Well, I... I never got played with.
Koala Kopter G'day. The name's Koala Copter from the Down-Underables. I got swapped for a Kangaroo Kanoe!
Recycle Ben My name is Recycle Ben, and I got recycled!
Franklin I don't... I don't get it. Why don't the kids like me? I'm like history, but on petting zoo !
Vlad Nobody wanted to board the Vampire Express. *a small howling werewolf arises from his train's smokestack*
Roxy Boxy My name is Roxy Boxy, I was recalled because... *punches Lizard Wizard* Oh, sorry!
Nervous Sys-Tim I mean, who wants to see an accurate deception when they're chowing down on a burger!
Pizza Bot Kid not like Pizza Bot. Pizza Bot sad.
Buzz My name is Buzz.
All Hi, Buzz.
Buzz And I need to go.
T-Bone *to Buzz* Wait, wait, don't run away with your problems, brother.
Buzz Look I need to get back to my friends.
Neptuna We're your friends now, Buzz, look around you. We've all been discarded and we need to stick together. Isn't that right, Super Pirate?
Super Pirate Yar!
[Trans. Int. Bonnie's room]
(Fun Meal Buzz skates around while singing the "Playtime Song".)
Fun Meal Buzz The playtime's coming super soon
Doo-dah doo-dah
Rex Guys, I'm telling you. This is the real Buzz!
Fun Meal Buzz Oh playtime day
Woody Rex, he's like three inches tall.
Hamm Yeah, but he's a pretty good ice dancer.
Fun Meal Buzz *spins around*
Woody Well, I'm gonna go find out what happened to our friend. *to Fun Meal Buzz* Yoo-hoo! Little Buzz guy!
Fun Meal Buzz Oh playtime day
Woody Listen, about this playtime...
Fun Meal Buzz Playtime? Hey, I'll be the cowboy! *grabs Woody's hat*
Woody Hey, come back here!
Fun Meal Buzz *to Hamm* Get along, little piggy! *slaps Hamm* Yee-haw!
Hamm Could, uh, somebody tackle him please?
Fun Meal Buzz Playtime is your friend
(Woody attacks Fun Meal Buzz.)
Hamm Thank you.
[Trans. Int. The Circle of Fun Meal Toys]
All Even though I have been thrown away, I am not garbage.
(The Fun Meal toys applaud.)
Buzz How am I gonna get up there?
Neptuna All right everyone, this is a good time for some re-enactment therapy. Let's break into groups of two. And let's have Beef Stewardess...
(Beef Stewardess moos, inflates his vest)
Neptuna ...with Ghost Burger...
(Ghost Burger boos)
Neptuna ...Bozu the Ninja Clown with Funky Monk....
Funky Monk Wassup?
Neptuna ...and then Condorman...
Condorman All right.
Neptuna ...with DJ Blu-Jay.
(DJ Blu-Jay spins a record on the turntable)
Neptuna Lizard Wizard? I'm gonna put with Buzz. Now Buzz, you are a child who has received this toy. Pick him up and play with him.
Buzz *takes Lizard Wizard* Oh boy. Play play play.
Neptuna Now to simulate the abandonment, discard him.
(Buzz drops Lizard Wizard)
Lizard Wizard What?
Neptuna And walk over there next to Gary Grappling Hook.
Buzz Gary Grappling Hook?
Gary Hey there.
Buzz So, wouldn't it be more devastating if I left the room?
Neptuna Oh, what a fabulous idea! Thank you, Buzz.
Buzz *to Gary* Gary, do you mind?
Gary Yeah sure, whatever. (Buzz grabs Gary Grappling Hook) Whoa! Oh yeah! (Buzz grapples Gary to a vent) Whee! That was awesome.
(Buzz flies up the vent, going back to Bonnie's room)
Neptuna Now, how did that make you feel?
Lizard Wizard Well, let's see now. It made me happy...
Neptuna Uh-huh.
Lizard Wizard ...when I was played with, but sad...
Neptuna Good.
Lizard Wizard ...when he left.
Neptuna Okay good, hold that thought. We're gonna have Buzz come back in. Buzz!?
(They both look up, noticing that Buzz isn't there)
Gary Ah, he left.
Lizard Wizard *crying* No!!
[Trans. Int. Bonnie's room]
Woody Okay, to save Buzz, we need to find a way to get inside Poultry Palace.
Fun Meal Buzz So uh, I used to work at Poultry Palace. You like honey mustard sauce? Yeah you do.
Jessie *sighs*
Woody Come on, guys, think. How do we get inside?
Hamm We could jimmy the lock.
Mr. Pricklepants Let's act our way in!
Mrs. Potato Head Oh, we could drive a truck through the front door!
(The real Buzz approaches)
Buzz Or we could use the drive-through.
All Buzz!
Jessie You're back!
Buzz *to Mini Buzz, tied up in a glue bottle* So what do you have to say for yourself, Space Ranger?
Fun Meal Buzz *gulps*
[Trans. Int. The Circle of Fun Meal Toys]
Fun Meal Buzz I've done some things that I'm not proud of. I've spent a lot of playtime thinking I was the prize that came with the meal, but with the help of my sponsor, I know now that the real prize is inside each and every one of us.
(The toys applaud again)
Roxy Boxy *punches Lizard Wizard again* Oh sorry.
(DJ Blu-Jay spins a record on the turntable again.)
[Trans. Int. Poultry Palace to the post-credits scene]
(Fun Meal Zurg and Belt Buckle are on the display case, beeping)
Fun Meal Zurg *laughing* Oh that was a good one. Belt Buckle, you crack me up sometimes.
(The Belt Buckle continues beeping.)
ve Transcripts
Movies Toy StoryToy Story 2Toy Story 3Toy Story 4New Toy StoryLightyearBarbie
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Toy Story 2 ABC Interstitials Monday Night FootballSportscasterGood Morning AmericaHappy ThanksgivingHoliday BuzzAliens SingWoody New YearAliens DaytimeAliens NighttimeRemote DaytimeRemote NighttimeRex :05Rex :10Soap OperaAliens (The View)Aliens (Drew Carey Show)Aliens (Millionaire Show)
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Forky Asks a Question What is Money?What is a Friend?What is Art?What is Time?What is Love?What is a Computer?What is a Leader?What Is a Pet?What Is Cheese?What Is Reading?
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure BeginsThe Torque ArmadaGravitinaXLLittle SecretsInside JobNOS-4-A2The Planet DestroyerThe Beasts of KarnTag TeamThe Main EventThe Return of XLStange InvasionThe Taking of PC-7MindwarpMira's WeddingPanic of BathyosShiv KatallRookie of the YearStress TestA Zoo Out ThereRoot of EvilSuper NovaDownloadedThe Plasma MonsterWirewolfThe Crawling FleshDirty WorkThe SlayerThe Lightyear FactorClone RangersBunzel FeverRescue MissionDevolutionariesHead CaseThe Yukari ImprintThe Shape StealerStar CrossedHaunted MoonStar SmasherStranger InvasionEye of the TempestRevenge of the MonstersLone WolfPlanet of the LostRevenge of the RaenoksEnemy Without a FaceThe StarthoughtMillennial BugsConspiracyAt Large on a Small PlanetSunquakeGood Ol' BuzzFirst MissionsLarge TargetWar and Peace and WarReturn to KarnSpeed TrapHoliday TimeOpposites AttractAncient Evil42
Deleted Scenes Alternate Opening: Buzz ShowAlternate Opening: ShootoutWoody's Nightmare (deleted scene)Eastern GateShakes the RattleSid's ComeuppanceThe ChaseBlack Friday reelTortureRain